Mar 23Liked by Nina Schuyler

I love trying to craft a sentence after such a master. Thank you, Nina!

Fearful of our fellow man, we locked doors, ducking deliverymen and dodging others fearful of their fellow man, and as we peered into computer screens and peeked around drapes then snatched packages left outside through a sliver of open door, we slowly lost parts of us—unidentified and buried so deep as to defy recapture.

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Wish she never walked into the river..with stones in her pocket and I slept in her bed^^

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Thank you for that quote from Woolf. I love her writing. It's so lush and sensuous, and I think it comes from that sense of rhythm and repetition as well as her images. Congrats on your short story collection. I love the title. It alone makes me want to read it.

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Beauty in action. Thank you for bring Woolf again forward and center stage.

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Another wonderful sentence. The rhythm, the sounds a sentence sets up in the reader's mind are so important. Here's what I was able to come up with, which complies with some of the features you pointed out in Woolf's sentence, but not all.

Pulled from a dream-tossed sleep, I stumble into a day haunted by that coterie of ghosts who once were pulled from sleep, and as I yawn and stretch my bones and flesh into life I fight to wrestle free of the murmured words those clinging phantoms whisper in my ear, that to wake, to walk about this earth embodied is mine, for now—but once was theirs.

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